Monday, July 19, 2010

3. Snow Camo How To

One thing that I haven't found, and maybe I have just missed it, is Snow Camo. Granted, not many people have a distinct need to put snow camo on their troops and even if they did, painting things white can be enough. However, if you are playing IG Vostroyans or Space Wolf Snipers, you may not be okay with leaving things simply white. So I have an easy way to punch up that white and make it look like camo. All the pictures should be clickable.

Lets start with something nice and black.

Clean and easy primed black.

I like to run a light gray over the black. I do this for two reasons. First, it makes the white easier to paint. Secondly, it adds a bit of shadow on the model that I happen to like. This step is optional however and not necessary for the final look.

Next take white and paint a minimum of two coats. The brighter the white the higher the contrast later.

Take the same gray that you undercoated the white with and make small, random blotches about the area. It doesn't have to be pretty or neat, as you can see above. Now the thing to remember here and in the step below is that making camo to scale doesn't work for mini painting.

Take a liner brush or just whatever you happen to have that is tiny and run black lines over the top of the gray spots. If you don't have a tiny brush, a toothpick can work just as well and make even smaller lines, if that is what you desire. It is important to do this after the spots are down or else you will end up with a highly cluttered area that looks too busy and not very camo. And that is it. Simple.

Hope this helped someone. Feel free to post your tips and tricks in the comments if you have a better idea or a suggestion. If you're looking for something different, this and many other tutorials can be found here.

-Writing from the P.I.T.S. on Fenris.


  1. Wow, nice camo article. Would Astronomicon Grey(Foundation) work well for the light grey base? What did you use?

  2. Thanks! As far as the color, I'm sure it would be. I used Vallejo Game Color called Wolf Grey. The grey is really just to make the white smoother though I have found that the darker the grey initially, the less pure white the color.
